Some people confuse deep tissue massage with "deep" or "firm" pressure. Any massage can be performed using a deep or firm pressure. If you are just wanting a firm or deep pressure massage, choose Classic Massage.
Deep Tissue Massage is a type of massage used to access, isolate and release chronic tight muscles, knots, adhesions or scar tissue.
The pressure starts out softer and gradually goes deeper to avoid further stress or bruising of muscle tissue. Open communication and "breathing" is crucial. It is required you breathe into the pressure and breathe out the tension - not hold your breath and tense up all over!
Proper application of these therapies requires time. Therefore, this treatment is best suited for chronic issues in specific areas such as the “upper body” or “lower body” only.
60 minute ———$ 95.00
75 minute ———$115.00
90 minute ———$135.00
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